widya notulensi

Notulensi vs another Platform

Notulensi offers various platforms to meet your transcription needs. We handle the recording of scheduled meetings and provide tools to help you effectively summarize those meetings.

widya notulensi
widya notulensi

Kenapa anda harus memilih Notulensi?

Notulensi memiliki beberapa fitur yang dapat membantu Anda dalam mendapatkan analisis mendetail dari rapat Anda.

Transkripsi rapat bahasa Indonesia berakurasi tinggi

Teknologi kami memungkinkan transkripsi rapat bahasa Indonesia dengan akurasi tinggi, memastikan setiap detail penting terdokumentasi dengan jelas dan benar.

widya notulensi

Penjadwalan rekaman rapat terintegrasi

Fitur penjadwalan rekaman rapat kami memudahkan pengaturan dan perekaman rapat secara otomatis, memastikan dokumentasi yang mudah dan tepat waktu.

widya notulensi

Hasil analisis dan komprehensif

Hasil analisis rapat kami memberikan wawasan yang mendalam dan komprehensif, membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik.

widya notulensi

Perbandingan fitur ke fitur


Platform P

Platform F

Platform M

conferencing platforms



Microsoft Teams


Real-time transcription

Notulensi doesn't offer real-time transcription. Instead, we prioritize higher accuracy by processing the audio after the meeting ends

Transcribe pre-recorded audio/video files

Transcribe audio/video from links

Speaker identification

Speaker Identification presents out of the box for online meeting. Notulensi also offers speaker identification for recorded audio meetings with an unlimited number of attendees through an intuitive speaker identification process.

Speaker identification presents as speaker diarization feature

Speaker Identification only presents on online meetings

Edit & export transcripts

AI summary

Meeting Key Points

Accuracy Claim

97.2% Mozilla Common Voice Datasets 97.37 from our companies' internal meetings

They have excellent accuracy in English, but Notulensi offers significantly better accuracy in Indonesian.


Record audio and video

Download audio and video recordings

Built-in event scheduler

Adjustable playback speeds


SSO Login

Free trial

Pricing (Billed monthly)

Customer support

platforms supported


Android & iOS

Chrome extension

system costumization

On premise Solution

system security

Security Standart

We use AES 128 encryption for data at rest within our database and ensure secure data transmission over the internet with HTTPS.

New feature coming soon

widya notulensi

AI meeting assistant custom name

Personalize your AI assistant with a custom name to display.

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Summary result preferences

Customize meeting summary details and presentation preferences.

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Collaboration workspace

Work together in real-time with shared documents and tools.

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AI editing through prompts

Enhance your meeting notes with AI editing through prompts.
